Ultimate Infant Gift Guide 2021: 6 must-have gifts to send even during lockdown

There’s nothing that will make a new mommy happier than thoughtful gifts. But sometimes, buying for infants and newborns can be a daunting task. If you’re looking for a gift for someone who is about to be or is a new parent, this article has some great ideas. These 6 gifts are sure to please any new or expecting parent:


A playgym is a perfect gift for a new parent. This toy will keep the baby entertained and help strengthen their neck muscles in preparation for crawling. When the baby kicks onto the crabby panel, lively music plays. What more with the overhead dangling toys, little baby would be overjoyed. These little accessories will encourage baby to develop hand eye coordination and gross motor strength.

Shop on Lazmall: Babycare

Rainbow Xylophone

The Rainbow Xylophone consists of eight different bells that are shaped like a rainbow. Bright colored and a perfect size for toddler to grab and play. Made of environmentally friendly, premium quality natural wood, ToddlerFinest boast that its thoughtfully made for kids’ delicate hands. It is also easy to clean and maintain, with just quick wipe to remove any stains from accidents.

Shop on Lazmall: Toddler Finest

Building Blocks

Building blocks are a great way to engage a child. The preschool toys collection by ToddlerFinest promotes concentration and creativity. Giving a boost to spatial reasoning and experiential learning. Starting from understanding its shape by feeling and tasting, learning its sounds by banging them together, to learning to stack and build, this is a toy to grow with the child.

Shop on Lazmall: Toddler Finest

5 in 1 Wooden Activity Cube

Ultimate baby-busy toy – counting abacus, in-built clock, triple gears, basic shapes recognition and a beaded track. Baby will be overjoyed with the variety in just one block! This wooden activity cube is obviously a steal for its all in one design to improve and cultivate kids’ hand-eye coordination, logical thinking, imagination and creativity, fine motor skills, color recognition, shape recognition – name it you have it.

Shop on Lazmall: INSULAR Mommy Shop

Swimming costume

Little Splashes Infants Aquatics classes are of growing demand amongst new aged mums. Bringing the little one for a swim session can be of great fun for the whole family. It is easier to get your child interested in swimming if they have a proper swimming costume that they can use at home as well. Make sure that the costume you purchase is light weight and comfortable. Check out this Sharky swim suit for the little cutie pie.

Shop on Lazmall: PatPat


Trending Bibs

Bibs are essential for protection against drool and spills. They will come in handy throughout the baby’s growing years, especially so when he’s teething. Bibs will save you from the unexpected drool and keep baby’s clothes and skin protected and fresh

Shop on Lazmall: PatPat

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